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1. Perbedaan Antara Software Dengan Hardware
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2. Hape Baru Dicas Berapa Jam?
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3. Apa Itu Touch Latency Rate Pada Smartphone?
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4. Bedanya Laptop Gaming vs Laptop Biasa
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5. Apa Itu Multitasking di Hape Dan Laptop?
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6. Fungsi RAM di Hape dan Laptop
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7. Apa Itu FUP Internet?
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8. Megapixel Besar Buat Apa?
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9. Apa Itu Resolusi Layar?
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10. Perbedaan Frame Rate dengan Refresh Rate
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11. Apa Itu Frame Rate (FPS)?
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12. Apa Itu Refresh Rate Pada Layar?
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13. Perbedaan Optical Zoom vs Digital Zoom
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14. Perbedaan Garansi Distributor vs Garansi Resmi
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